Sunday, March 1, 2015

Trials Trials Trials

The last couple months of life have not been going exactly as I have planned.  Work, school, studying, and every other part of life has seemed completely exhausting.  On top of that, I have seemed to be in a spiritual slump.  Normally, I am the exact opposite.  At the beginning of this slump, it was just every so often, noticing that I was not as happy as I normally was.  Then it moved to from being an every once in a while occurrence to a problem.  The last week or so, it has been unbearable.  I had still been reading every day and saying prayers constantly, but my heart was not in it.  I was angry and upset.  I had doubts on doubts on doubts.  I really had changed into this person that was not me, and I finally reached the point of it not being acceptable any more.  Previously, I had prayed that what I wanted to happen would happen, at this second, in my timing.  Unfortunately, that's not how it works.  As the answers didn't come, I got more upset as time passed.  Eventually I was led to my breaking point (this week).  I decided to take a different approach. 

This trial was happening whether I liked it or not.  From this point, it was up to me how I was going to handle it.  Was I going to be miserable the whole time, or was I going to enjoy life and let my trials build me up instead of break me down?  On Friday I decided to try and change my attitude.  I hadn't completely succeeded, but I was trying.  I prayed for patience through this trial, strength to get through it, and to be my normal happy self while living in it.  Saturday, about the same.  Trying, but still little success.  Saturday night, an unexpected twist happened.

Last summer I went to a camp and met a 16 year old kid who has muscular dystrophy.  He had every reason in the world to be bitter, angry, upset, but he was the exact opposite.  I have never felt the spirit so strongly as I did when I was around him.  He was just a light of hope and you could feel his faith radiating out of him.  He was a shy kid, so he didn't talk a ton, but it was just in his countenance.  Saturday night that's all that I could think about.  How could I be so upset when my life is still amazing besides this one tiny trial, and never once have I heard this kid complain?  How could I be so ungrateful when I have so many other amazing things happening in my life?  Right then, I realized I needed some changes in my outlook.

Luckily today was a fast Sunday.  Again, I tried to stick with the same mindset that I decided, so I asked for some serious strength in that.  Church was absolutely amazing today.  Fast and testimony meeting was incredible and Sunday School was an answer to my prayers.  Earlier that morning I saw a post on Instagram that Al (Fox) Carraway was giving a fireside.  I absolutely love all of her blogs, and I really wanted to go.  Immediately I had thoughts that I should stay home and stick around and so clearly was the thought, "You need to go."  Right then, I knew that I was going.  I went to the fireside and it was one of the top five most spiritual experiences I have ever had.  I felt as if Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were right there speaking directly to me.  There was just so much power in the words she said, and I felt like every single part of it was guidance for how I was supposed to handle my situation.

Life gets hard, but the Savior is always on our side.  All we have to do is try.  We are not perfect, but if we are trying, Christ has made up the rest for us.  Sometimes it is not easy, and we hardly ever know immediately why we are doing what the Lord has asked us to do.  Our faith has to be solid in Him, and we have to know and believe that we will be taken care of as long as we are trying.  Be grateful for the situation you are in because God trusts you enough to put you through it, and we only go through trials to make us stronger and to make us better people.  We are not placed with trials to tear us down or to make us upset or unhappy, but only to build us up and help us reach our potential.  James 1 verse 2 says, "Count it all joy when ye fall into many afflictions."  They are opportunities to grow closer to God, and opportunities to become more like God.  Turn towards Him instead of away from him.  Enjoy the journey, it's what leads you to the destination.   

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Make THE Choice

I have decided to change this blog up a little bit.  Instead of just talking about why I know the church is true, and what has led me to this, I have decided to turn it to how I have found ways to survive this tempting world and enjoy life through the gospel and the Savior.

So first new topic....make the choice.  Far too often, we change the religion we believe in to fit our lifestyle instead of creating our life around the religion.  We do not receive the same blessings from picking and choosing which principles we want to follow.  It simply does not work that way.  We must be trying to follow ALL the teachings and principles that we can.  If it is something you don't want to follow, pray for a change of heart.  If it is something that is difficult for you to follow, pray for the strength to be a little better at it each day.  Whatever it may take, give up the bad habits and stick to your religion. 

I was sitting at my soccer game a few nights ago waiting for the game to start when I overheard a guy talking about his date that he had recently been on.  He said that the girl he went out with made sure that the first thing he knew was that she was LDS.  After, she told him how much she loved to drink coffee.  His response was, "If you are going to be a certain religion then actually be and represent that religion.  Don't do it halfway.  Choose to be the religion and commit to it."  Those were his feelings, and he was not even the same religion as her.

Choose to stand strong against the world that is trying so hard to make us shake.  Dress a little more modest.  Say no to that one drink.  Walk away when your friends are gossiping.  Stay home from that party.  Those are all things that we have been taught to stay away from.  They may seem like constant "no's", however they are constant life savers.  We only receive guidance on what we shouldn't be doing so that we can avoid harm to ourselves and others.  Focus on things we can be doing.  Go to the temple.  Read your scriptures for five extra minutes tonight.  Go out with friends and have a good wholesome night.  Smile and make someone's day.

We all have great potential.  Use it.  Do not let it go to waste and put it towards good.  Make the choice of what kind of person you want to be, and then go and start living it.  Don't sit on the fence, or go back and forth.  Choose it, act on it, and live it.  Life is so good.  Enjoy every second of it, and make each day of the rest.  The Lord is there to stand by us every step of the way.  What else could we ask for?  Embrace the beauty of this religion, and with it we will receive "eternal bliss".


Saturday, April 19, 2014


How amazing this Easter season is.  The sun is just beginning to shine each day, the flowers are blooming, the grass is getting greener.  No wonder the Savior was resurrected during this time of year.  It is a great time to reflect on the life and resurrection of Christ, but it should also not be the only time to reflect.  Because of Him, I have hope.  Because of Him, I can be with my family for eternity.  Because of Him, I get to experience the feelings of true happiness.  Because of Him, all things are possible. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Winning the Game

I am an extremely competitive person.  You give me a challenge, I will take it.  I like to win, and I will do anything in my power to win.  I grew up playing soccer my whole life.  I started when I was five and continued to play through high school.  I love the competition, I love fighting for something I love, and I love fighting for the ten other players on the field.  The feeling of victory is a feeling that can't ever be replaced.  I remember one game we were playing one of the best teams in the state.  We had lost miserably the first time we played them, and the second time around was our chance for redemption.  They were much more skilled, they were clearly better than us, but we had the heart and the desire to win.  We were down 2-1 with just a couple minutes left.  In the last few minutes I happened to be in the right place at the right time and was able to score to tie it up.  I was ecstatic.  It was easily one of the best and most rewarding moments of my life.  The feeling is one I will never forget.

In high school, I worked extremely hard to be a good soccer player.  Every single morning during summer was filled with sweat and exhaustion as I woke up to conditioning time.  We often had two a days.  We ran so many sprints no matter how we performed in the game.  I would relive it in a heartbeat.  What made it all worth it was those feelings of victory and satisfaction.

Luckily for this game, I already know the outcome.  I already know which team will win.  So obviously I will choose the winning team.  It won't be easy, there will be many moments where tears are shed, when I feel like I can't push any harder, and when I question whether or not it will be worth it.  With the end goal in mind, I can always be reassured that it will be worth it.  The shorts moments where sorrow, discouragement, and disappointment are the only feelings that are present, can easily be overcome with the joy that we are able to have because of our Savior. 

Mosiah 2:41- And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.

Easy? No. Worth it? Definitely.

A lot of times the church is seen as difficult and impossible to follow.  Many people stray from the gospel because it does not fit into their lifestyle, or it isn't an ideal way to live because that means separating ourselves from the world.  Is it easy?  No, not anywhere close to easy. 

Every day we constantly have temptations flying at us.  How easy it would be to go out on the weekend and party, get some extra shopping done on Sunday, take a drink on that extra stressful day, or invest time in immoral things.  That's the way the world does it, why can't we?  Why do we have so many rules to follow?  Why is it that almost all of our "rules" are the exact opposite of the way most people in the world live? 

I have found it much easier to live these rules by looking at them in a different perspective.  With every thing we do there is a consequence.  I think about some of the most basic doctrine that we have.  No drinking alcohol.  What good can come from alcohol?  There are so many negative consequences that can arise from "just one drink."  These rules are just a measure to keep us safe.  They are there to keep us physically, emotionally, and mentally better.

So is it worth it?  These rules or commandments are given to us to make us happier.  Sometimes it is difficult to ignore the persecutions for "missing out on the fun", but in the end, it is all worth it.  The happiness will greatly over power anything we might have missed out on.  It may be hard to say no, or to turn off some catchy music, but in the long run it will all be worth it.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

It's All About the Timing

          Prayer is an interesting thing.  We pray for strength, blessings, guidance, help, or whatever it may be.  Our prayers are always heard, but we may not receive answers when we want them, and they may not be the answers we want.  Thankfully, our Heavenly Father knows what our answers SHOULD be and when WHEN we need the answers.
         I look back in a trial that I recently had a couple months ago (it is still happening), and looking back on this helps me know this concept is true.  I have not received my whole answer, but for my situation at this current moment, I have received the answer that I need to make sense of what is happening right now.  If I would have received this answer any sooner (which is what I wanted), I would have not been ready for it.  I probably would have messed up the Plan because I was not spiritually, mentally, or emotionally prepared.  I had asked and asked and asked, and now a couple months later I have received part of my answer.  Thank goodness Heavenly Father knows me better than myself, and knows what is best for me. 
         I have also received a recent answer to my prayers that was almost immediate.  It was a very cool experience for me.  I was driving today and I was praying for an opportunity for missionary experiences.  I was driving home for work and I pulled into my driveway and the missionaries were walking past.  I said hello and asked how they were doing.  They were actually coming to see me to ask for help on inviting someone to come to church.
         The Lord knows us.  He knows what is best for us.  If our answers don't come immediately, know that it is for our best interest.  When ever the Lord is involved, he always acts for our best interest.  Once we ask, we must also seek for answers and be prepared for the Holy Ghost to teach us and answer those questions. 

Friday, January 10, 2014


   Life is so good.  A lot of times we hear that this world is so bad, there is so much wickedness, the worldly views are taking over.  Yes, this is all true; however, it is also one of the very best times the world has known.  Take a different look at it.  Missionary work is rapidly expanding.  The church has more members than ever before, and it is quickly growing.  Temples are being built each year to help with the work for the dead.  Technology has made scriptures, church manuals, and general conference talks available instantly through phones, iPads, and tablets. Last, in almost every general conference we hear that this is the "Chosen Generation."
   The biggest way I have realized how good life truly is, is through the faith God has in us.  We always talk about having faith in God, but in return he has so much faith and trust in us.  God has reserved all of us for this time period, and trusts US (humans, natural men and women, and imperfect beings) to carry out His work.  The pressure that is to stand tall and strong in a world that is constantly going against almost every belief of the church.  However, the strength behind us makes anything possible.  Take pride in this world we live in, and take responsibility for the tasks at hand.  Look at it in a positive way, and realize how blessed we are that our Heavenly Father trusts us enough to put us in this challenging time.