Monday, March 31, 2014

Easy? No. Worth it? Definitely.

A lot of times the church is seen as difficult and impossible to follow.  Many people stray from the gospel because it does not fit into their lifestyle, or it isn't an ideal way to live because that means separating ourselves from the world.  Is it easy?  No, not anywhere close to easy. 

Every day we constantly have temptations flying at us.  How easy it would be to go out on the weekend and party, get some extra shopping done on Sunday, take a drink on that extra stressful day, or invest time in immoral things.  That's the way the world does it, why can't we?  Why do we have so many rules to follow?  Why is it that almost all of our "rules" are the exact opposite of the way most people in the world live? 

I have found it much easier to live these rules by looking at them in a different perspective.  With every thing we do there is a consequence.  I think about some of the most basic doctrine that we have.  No drinking alcohol.  What good can come from alcohol?  There are so many negative consequences that can arise from "just one drink."  These rules are just a measure to keep us safe.  They are there to keep us physically, emotionally, and mentally better.

So is it worth it?  These rules or commandments are given to us to make us happier.  Sometimes it is difficult to ignore the persecutions for "missing out on the fun", but in the end, it is all worth it.  The happiness will greatly over power anything we might have missed out on.  It may be hard to say no, or to turn off some catchy music, but in the long run it will all be worth it.

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